Goa Marathon

09 Feb, 2025 | 6:00 AM

Miramar Circle, North Goa, Goa, India

Location Show on Map

Overall Rating: (1 Vote)
PB Potential
Beginner Friendly
Add to Calendar 02/09/2025 6:00 AM 02/09/2025 6:00 AM Asia/Kolkata Goa Marathon Goa Marathon Miramar Circle, North Goa, Goa, India false MM/DD/YYYY
Event Organiser's Details
Organiser El Shaddai Charitable Trust
Address El Shaddai House Socol Vaddo
Assagao Goa
North Goa, Goa, INDIA
Day Phone +91 91126 95531
Evening Phone +91 91126 95531
Email agnel@childrescue.net
Website http://www.goamarathon.org/
Contact Person El Shaddai Charitable Trust

Event Features

Goa Marathon Facilities
Run Surface: Road
Profile: Flat
Route Measurement: Measured using GPS/Cycle
Settings: Urban
Water Stations: Yes
Distance Markers: Yes
Traffic Free?: Yes
Affiliation Status: Others
Goa Marathon Distance
Half Marathon : 21.097 KM : Rs 1850
10KM Run : 10.000 KM : Rs 1350
5KM Run : 5.000 KM : Rs 600
Goa Marathon Awards
Goa Marathon Venue Facilities
First Aid
Supervised Bag Storage

Organiser's Note

Goa Marathon is an annual event organized to raise awareness, provide homes and hope for underprivileged children. This marathon will serve runners of all skill levels; from first time marathoners to veteran runners and walkers. Funds raised through this event will be used to bring happiness and hope to the underprivileged children of Goa in the care of El Shaddai Charitable Trust.

Participants are also encouraged to raise pledges through/by sharing our online fundraising page for our El Shaddai Charitable Trust.

Registration for the professional runs – 21 KM Half Marathon is Rs. 1850/- per application, 10 KM Run is Rs. 1350/- per application and 5 KM Dream Run Timed is Rs. 600/- per application.

Winners will received cash awards

Note: Run prizes are only for Indian participants

Rules of the Goa Marathon 2025 Prize Distribution:
1.  Decisions taken by organizers regarding winners in various races are final and cannot be disputed.
2.  No single participant is eligible to win 2 prizes, even if he/she is eligible for a prize in another category.
3.  All rules apply to both men and women.
4.  The 5KM Dream Run Non Timed is a non-competitive run. There are no prizes in this category.


Rules / Event Conditions


  1. Only one applicant per form and one entry per person; multiple applications of the same person will result in rejection.
  2. Applications can be found online – goamarathon.org (including a downloadable version) and at the event office,Campal.
  3. Applications must only be submitted to the Goa Marathon Office at: Goa Marathon 2025 office, Gera Imperium Star 8th floor, office 801, Panjim Goa – 403001
  4. Incomplete entries will result in rejection.
  5. All forms must be accompanied with the requisite fee as per the race category. A form received without the correct requisite fee will result in rejection.
  6. Payment may be carried out via demand draft/cheque in the name of El Shaddai Charitable Trust and sent to the event office.
  7. Failure to sign and submit the ‘Disclaimer’ will result in rejection.
  8. If the applicant is below the age of 18 years, the guardian must also sign the disclaimer and state his/her relationship with the applicant.
  9. Participation in the event is subject to entry confirmation.
  10. If your participation is not confirmed, the registration fee will be refunded with a deduction of Rs. 200 as processing charges.
  11. Refunds will not be entertained after the 5th  of February 2025.
  12. For BIB Collection, please quote the registration unique id or confirmation mail on mobile (or printout). BIB Expo will be held on 15th Feb to 17th Feb 2025. Venue details will be communicated through mail.
  13. Authorized representatives must carry the original acceptance letter, a signed authorization letter from the confirmed participant, and a photocopy of their photo identity proof (of the confirmed participant) – e.g. Aadhaar card, Passport, PAN card, Election card or Driving license.
  14. A trophy will be awarded to the Highest Individual Fund Raiser.


  • I am fully aware of and appreciate that training for and running a marathon may result in accidents or serious injury.
  • I am voluntarily participating in the Goa Marathon 2025 with complete knowledge of the associated risks and I agree to accept responsibility for all risks of injury. I also acknowledge that Goa Marathon does not offer any formal marathon training program.
  • By signing this Waiver and Release, I declare that I am medically able, properly trained, physically fit and capable of participating in a marathon, and that my medical care provider has approved my participation.
  • I agree to independently consult my physician in the event of any injuries or medical questions arising from or related to my participation in the Goa Marathon 2025
  • I also acknowledge full and sole responsibility for my own medical expenses and that I am responsible for any and all medical expenses on my behalf.
  • In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Goa Marathon, I agree to assume all risks and to release and hold harmless Goa Marathon team. I understand and agree that this Waiver and Release are binding upon my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.
  • I hereby grant my consent and permission to Goa Marathon, its Partner organizations, and employees to use any and all information submitted in my application, and/or my name, photograph, videotape, motion picture recording, voice or likeness for any purpose, including pre-race and post-race publicity.
  • I have carefully read this Waiver and Release and fully understand its contents.
  • If I am under 18 years of age at the time of registration, my parents or legal guardians have fully read, understood, and consented to the terms of this Waiver and Release and by signature below authorize my participation.

By signing this waiver, I have indicated that I have read, understood and agreed to the Waiver and Release above.